Do You Know How the VIX Affects Your Investing?
Professional investors focus on lots of different details. Some focus on fundamentals, some focus on price action, some look at both. Every investor is looking for an edge. If you can figure out what other investors are thinking, you have a definite edge. That's why many professionals focus on the VIX. So I know what you're thinking, what's the VIX? The VIX is a measurement of volatility in put and call options on the S&P 500. It was originally introduced by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) in 1993. It's now widely used as a measurement of market volatility . . . basically a measure of "Fear and Greed". So, how's it measured? The answer to this is a bit more complicated. Entire white papers have been authored on this subject. I could spend hundreds of pages describing in detail the theory and thought behind the VIX. So here's the short version. The VIX takes a basket of options looking about 30 days into t...